Visit us at our New Home!
We have big plans for our Forever Home
The Museum has purchased and begun to renovate our new home!
We opened our first gallery in August of 2020. We will be adding public space as funds become available.
We are currently raising the last $50,000 to install a lift and open up the 2nd floor of the Museum. (updated Nov 25, 2022)
This purchase will ensure that we will not have to worry about leases and landlords. To get our new space open as soon as possible, we have split construction in to two phases. Phase 1 will opened up about 2,500 square feet to the public in 2020. We are currently working on Phase 2. An elevator is key to this phase. Once an elevator is installed, we will be able to have over 7,000 square feet of galleries, classrooms and public space. Donate to our Elevator Fund today!
Several special donors have created an incentive drawing which those who are able to donate $1,000 or more to the Elevator Fund will be eligible. See details HERE.
To stay informed, make sure you’re on the Mailing List.
To make this happen, we need your help!
Donate. Retrofitting a building is a huge undertaking and is going to take funds. Every dollar counts! To find out ways to give, check out our donation page
Volunteer. We could not do everything we do without our wonderful volunteers! Volunteers help us by greeting visitors, maintaining exhibits, helping with programming, keeping the garden pretty, planning and working at shows and much more. If you are interested in helping, we always have a variety of opportunities, check out our Volunteer Page.
Share your connections. Do have connections to hardware stores? Are you an electrician/plumber/builder? Have a scout troop that needs volunteer hours? Are you a PR expert? Do you have skills we may need? Let us know! The more supplies and skills we can get donated, the lower our costs will be. Click Here To Help!
Join Wendy for a quick look at how Phase 1 construction is going!
Join Wendy for a quick tour of Collections Storage!