Staff & Board

Wendy Littlepage, Director

Wendy Littlepage, Director

Wendy Littlepage, director

Wendy Littlepage has been the Executive Director of DMMDT since 2007. She holds a B.A. from Kenyon College with a focus in History and the Humanities. She came to DMMDT in 2005 as the Coordinator of Education and Programs. During her tenure, Ms. Littlepage has worked in preservation, exhibit design, volunteer management and all aspects of Museum administration.


Board of Directors

Barbara Pontarelli, President

Karen Byrd, 1st Vice President

Nancy Stein, 2nd Vice President

Marjorie Smelt, Treasurer

Anton Mayer, Secretary

Don Dillman, Member-At Larghe

Mike Fortin, Member-At-Large

Ristia Kennedy, Member-At-Large

Kathy Leppert, Member-At-Large

Nancy Martin, Member-At-Large

Linda Shannon, Member-At-Large

Jacki Wallace, Member-At-Large

John Wondolleck, Member-At-Large