Denver Museum
of Miniatures,
Dolls & Toys
Come Visit Our
New Location
830 Kipling Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
Double Check your Directions
The city removed our sign during construction. We are working on replacing it.
Please review directions before you arrive so you don’t miss the building.
We are located at the intersection of Kipling St. and 8th Place in Lakewood, CO
Google Maps is sending people to Kipling and 8th ave. behind the car wash. This is wrong.
Turn in to the Museum parking lot at the stoplight located at Kipling and 8th Place.
Admission: $5 Adults, $4 Seniors, $4 Children
Children Under 4 are free
Hours: Friday & Saturday 10am - 4:00pm | Sunday 1pm - 4pm
Last entry 3:00pm
Closed all major holidays including Easter, The Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas
The Fall Miniature Show
September 3-7, 2025
New Venue, Classes, Exhibits,
Salesroom, and More!
Dealer and Teacher Applications being accepted now visit the Fall Show Page.
Registration available mid-May 2025.
Activities and Events
We have programs for all ages!
For more information visit our Programs Page
Our Mission
The Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys is a 501(c)(3). The mission is to provide educational and cultural services to the greater Rocky Mountain region through the preservation, exhibition, collection and interpretation of the visual arts using miniatures, dolls and toys.
Special Thanks to
The Scientific and Cultural Facilities District and the people of the Seven SCFD Counties for supporting arts, science and culture in Colorado.